

Leica M10-P Noctilux-M 50mm F0.95



Focal length: 50mm
Aperture: 0.95
Shutter speed: 1/4000

ISO: 200

 High above mountain, I found a horse tied with rope. The feeding bucket was empty. He was eating grasses on the ground. It was a cold and snowy day. Although he was alone, I felt not only solitude but also dignity on him which struck my heart. So I took some pictures of him.

I managed to express the feeling I’ve got above and satisfied with the result in vain. I don’t know how to improve the image, so I want to learn how to improve the image. Besides, “Areas of improvement” indicated “Originality”. Does it mean this image is common or ordinary or resemble some images on the web?






I like the way that you got down to the donkey's eye level to take this shot; that works very well. The f/095 50mm lens is a very fast lens that delivers a very shallow depth of field; perhaps stopping it down a bit would have been good as the focus drops off too quickly and a little more sharpness would have possibly been better. I find your crop is a little bit too tight and the subject looks a little cramped in the frame.

In terms of originality, I would not worry about it; as most of the member curators do not seem to understand what originality is. That is most common negative comment I get as well and I am not going to stop making the types of images that I do.

あなたがこのショットを撮るためにロバ(馬)の目のレベルまでカメラを下げて撮影したやり方は私の気に入った。とてもうまくいったと思う。50mm F0.95の被写界深度が非常に狭い。たぶんもう少し絞ればボケの落ち方がなだらかになるし画像もシャープになっただろう。クロップがややキツくて構図の中で主題が窮屈に感じる。





High above mountain, I found a horse tied with rope. The feeding bucket was empty. He was eating grasses on the ground. It was a cold and snowy day. Although he was alone, I felt not only solitude and sadness but also dignity on him which struck my heart. So I took some pictures of him. I lay on the ground and took it with handheld. Manual focus. SS 1/4000s and ISO200 is correct. I thought this was shot with aperture 0.95 but not sure, could have been f4 or so.

I retouched the image with Photoshop Nik collections Color Efex 4, in which, detail, gradation, contrast, vignetting and color rendation. Added a little partial high pass effect around his face and neck. Corrected chromatic aberration. No cropping.
I managed to express the feeling I’ve got above and satisfied with the result but I want some advice to correct it.


二人の上級キュレーターからPhotoshopのDodge & BurnやNeural FilterのDepth Blurを教えてもらった。今まで使ってなかったのでとても為になった。

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