She came in through the bathroom window 風呂の窓から入ってきたのは
Protected by a silver spoon ええとこのお嬢
But now she sucks her thumb and wanders 今じゃ文無し放浪娘
By the banks of her own lagoon 銀行にも見放されてる
Didn't anybody tell her? 教えてあげるやつはいなかったの?
Didn't anybody see? 誰も気に留めなかったの?
Sunday's on the phone to Monday 日曜が月曜に告げ口し
Tuesday's on the phone to me 火曜が僕に知らせてきたことを
She said she'd always been a dancer 「私ずっとダンサーだったの」
She worked at fifteen clubs a day 「日に15軒もクラブを掛け持ちよ」
And though she thought I knew the answer 「あなたなら答えを知ってると思うんだ」
Well, I knew what I could not say ああ知ってるよ、秘密だけどね
And so I quit the police department それで僕は警察署をやめて
And got myself a steady job もっとヤクザな仕事についた
And though she tried her best to help me 彼女は精一杯僕の役に立とうとしたけど
She could steal but she could not rob ちょろまかしはできても強奪は無理だった
Didn't anybody tell her? 教えてあげるやつはいなかったの?
Didn'tanybody see? 誰も気に留めなかったの?
Sunday's on the phone to Monday, 日曜が月曜に告げ口し
Tuesday's on the phone to me 火曜が僕に教えてくれたことを
"She Came In Through the Bathroom Window" the Beatles from their 1969 album Abbey Road. Written by Paul McCartney and credited to Lennon–McCartney.
McCartney said the song was inspired by Apple scruffs (dedicated fans who hung around outside the Abbey Road studio, the Apple Corps offices, and the individual homes of the Beatles), who broke into McCartney's St John's Wood home. Diane Ashley says: "We were bored, he was out and so we decided to pay him a visit. We found a ladder in his garden and stuck it up at the bathroom window which he'd left slightly open. I was the one who climbed up and got in." She then opened the front door to let the others in. The scruffs also stole a number of photographs in addition to clothes. Another Apple scruff, Margo Bird, remembers being good friends with McCartney – she would often take his dog for walks – and later got a job at Apple Corps. She says that she was asked to retrieve a photograph of his father Jim, which she did.
She came in through the bathroom window (これはそのままですね)
Protected by a silver spoon 「ええとこのお嬢」 (英語には銀のスプーンをくわえて生まれてくるという言い方があって、それは裕福な家の生まれであることを意味しています)
But now she sucks her thumb and wanders 「今じゃ文無し放浪娘」 (しかし今彼女がチューチューしているのは銀のスプーンではなく親指ですから貧乏だと)
By the banks of her own lagoon 「銀行にも見放されてる」 (ええとこのお嬢だったときは銀行(bank)もいい顔をしていたけれど、今彼女は沼のほとり(bank)に住んでいる、というので銀行にも見放されていると訳しました)
Didn't anybody tell her? 教えてあげるやつはいなかったの?
Didn't anybody see? 誰も気に留めなかったの?
Sunday's on the phone to Monday 「日曜が月曜に告げ口し」 ("A is on the phone to B"はAがBに電話で話しているということでしょう?)
Tuesday's on the phone to me 火曜が僕に知らせてきたことを
She said she'd always been a dancer 「私ずっとダンサーだったの」
She worked at fifteen clubs a day 「日に15軒もクラブを掛け持ちよ」
And though she thought I knew the answer 「あなたなら答えを知ってると思うんだ」 (この「答え」というのはたぶん「私は落ちぶれて貧乏になっちゃったけどあなたならお金儲けの方法を知ってるんでしょう?」ということか)
Well, I knew what I could not say ああ知ってるよ、秘密だけどね
And so I quit the police department それで僕は警察署をやめて
And got myself a steady job 「もっとヤクザな仕事についた」 (steady jobというのはカタギな仕事という意味ですよね。でもそもそも警察官をカタギじゃないというのは反語です。だからここの本意はたぶんヤクザな仕事のことでしょう。そしてそれは自分のやっている音楽活動のことを揶揄しているんだと思います)
And though she tried her best to help me 「彼女は精一杯僕の役に立とうとしたけど」 (音楽活動はボロ儲けのヤクザな稼業だが、ポールの家に忍び込んで盗みをするのも同じような「盗み」行為じゃないかと)
She could steal but she could not rob 「ちょろまかしはできても強奪は無理だった」 (音楽活動のボロ儲けとチャチな盗みじゃ規模が違う)
Didn't anybody tell her? 教えてあげるやつはいなかったの?
Didn'tanybody see? 誰も気に留めなかったの?
Sunday's on the phone to Monday, 日曜が月曜に告げ口し
Tuesday's on the phone to me 火曜が僕に教えてくれたことを